
Monday, March 17, 2014

The Diagnosis...

If I've learned one thing, it's that nothing ends up like you thought it would.

When we had our "big" meeting with the doctors, we were given a lot of info, but no further diagnosis.
I needed chemo right away, that much they agreed on.
They wanted to place me in a clinical trial, and my favorite part...
I am very young!
This was very important for me to hear as I was celebrating my 38th birthday 
and feeling close to 40 and most definitely not young!

My husband decided we needed a trip to Disneyland before chemo started.
It was a beautiful day and I wanted to remember every moment of it forever!

My best blogger friends threw me a fantabulous surprise party 
and surrounded me with love and handmade goodies. 
I especially loved my pink hoodie they all signed to wear to chemo!

The next day was my liver biopsy. 
The CT scans were inconclusive and showed suspicious gray areas, 
so the oncologist ordered up another biopsy.
The blankets were warm and the sedation was dreamy.
I got to spend a few hours alone with my husband and I laughed a lot.
It was a good day.

My actual birthday was the day after the biopsy 
and the church ladies pulled off a surprise brunch for me at the park!
Cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, cookies, and some very thoughtful gifts!
I felt so lucky and loved.

All week I came home to little surprises on my doorstep.
I loved them all, but am especially fond of this necklace from my friend who understands sadness 
and is an example to me of never giving up and pushing forward.

This morning it got real.

Just when I got to school with the kids, I got the call.
The liver biopsy came back positive with cancer.
This is a game changer.

We met with my sweet oncologist a few hours later.
She explained that I have Stage Four infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right breast, 
estrogen receptor negative, progesterone receptor negative, 
Her 2 neu positive with mestasis to the liver.

My cancer will never be fully cured, only controlled.
I will have 4 months of aggressive chemo, once a week, with 3 medications.
Things will never be the same.

But really, life is ever evolving.
I know that this is my time and season to experience cancer.
I still choose to fight for my life!

But it feels very heavy, and so I still ask for your prayers.
Your smiles and hugs boost me up and give me renewed energy and purpose.
I thank you with all that I have for your support!



  1. You are in my prayers. And so often, in my thoughts. I have been following you on Instagram for a while now, and your feed pulsates with optimism and happiness and joy. Thank you for being who you are. Stay strong, fight hard. I'm rooting for you!

  2. I'm sorry that such an great person has to go through this, but your outlook makes me feel like there are not a lot of people who could take it like you. You're doing an amazing job at handling this, chica, and through the miles, i'll be cheering you on. you more than welcomed to borrow my long blonde wig by the way. it'll look better on you anyway ;)

  3. Love you lady. Keep on smiling. We will all continue praying.

  4. Jaime, you most definitely have my thoughts and prayers. I know we've never met in real life, but you've been incredibly kind on ig (I'm mrnmommie there) and my heart is sad for what you are going through. ((hugs))

  5. You are such an inspiration and have such strength. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  6. Thinking of you Jaime I believe in prayer may we all come together to bring you peace and energy.

  7. Jaime, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know we've never met IRL, but you've been incredibly kind on ig & i feel I've come to know you. (I'm mrnmommie there) My heart is sad for what you are going through. ((hugs))

  8. Sometimes life is hard. Really, REALLY hard. I don't know your pain, but I know you're amazing and you can do this. Love you.

  9. Just found your blog through a friend on Instagram. So sorry for your upcoming fight, but praying for recovery!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear this! Hugs to you sweet girl! I hope that you have more good days than bad during your chemo. I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

  11. My thoughts an prayers are with you. I've been seeing a lot of your pictures on IG and could tell by your hashtags that something was going on. The way you are handling it with honesty & grace is wonderful. HUGE HUGS!!!

  12. Jamie you are so in my prayers doll and I'm loving your attitude. Sending best wishes.

  13. Sent here by our sweet friend Cam Bowman...what a story, what a game changer. Sending positive thoughts and best wishes that your treatments will go smoothly.

  14. So nice to see you have a wonderful support system of family and friends. Praying you receive all you need to get through this and wishing you the best! Stay positive!

  15. No matter how dark it seems right now, God is there with you. And he has amazing things planned for you!

  16. Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us. I so admire your words, photos, your strength and especially your positivity. You're very real and the world needs so much more of your sunshine in it. Our Heavenly Father has an amazing plan for you, though the days ahead may test you. I'm keeping you close in my prayers and sending warm hugs your way XOXO

  17. That's enough to take your breath away. You have such a wonderful support system and loving friends. I'll be sharing this with all my prayer buddies and will continue to pray for your as well.

    Hugs from Texas!

  18. Hey, Jaime, I don't know personally but I know your sister Cherish! I love your attitude and send a lot of hugs and prayers your way!!!

  19. Love, light, peace and prayers for you tonight. XO

  20. You are in my prayers every night. I just showed my husband the video of you dancing at Farrell's and was telling him truly amazing you are and how I can't believe how strong and positive you have been. But if you ever need to scream and break down you do it! You fight this stupid cancer however you want and know that we love you, I am praying for you and you are truly an inspiration.

  21. Jaime-
    You are beautiful inside and out. Your joy shines brightly through your blog.
    We don't know one another, I just happened to stumble across your blog, but I am praying for you and your family. Praise the Lord that you have such a wonderful family and church family.
    I work for Kaiser Permanente and I know you will receive excellent care.
    Much love- Amber

  22. We will pray with you and fight with you Jaime. We love you and want to keep you here. XOXO back at you.

  23. Jaime, Intercessory prayer is very powerful and I will be praying for you!
    Your positive energy is extraordinary, and you are amazing! Thank you for bravely sharing what's unfolding for you... You are a bold reminder to me that in the same situation, I would pray for the hOpe and courage that you have shared with your readers. Thank you for showing me a strong,positive way to respond to such a challenge. xo robin

  24. You don't know me, we have mutual friends on the Facebook, but I had to follow this link to tell you that you have prayers coming at ya from all over. YOU are amazing. Happy (belated) birthday! And God bless.

  25. Jaime, you are in my thoughts & prayers. I've thought about you so much over the past few weeks. I am just so sorry that you're having to fight this fight. But, you're a strong, amazing woman and I know that you'll fight with all that you have! Your positive outlook is so inspiring. We're all here rooting for you and wishing the best outcomes for you. Lots of love, friend! xoxox

  26. Jamie, I cannot believe this news! I have been following you on instagram since meeting at SoCal Social two years ago. You are just a bright light, don't let this bad news dull your glow. I am hoping and praying for you. Warm wishes to your family as well:) xo

  27. You have such an amaxing and positive beautiful spirit. Although I have not met you so many times in person I can see you are a vibrant, loving positive and uplifting woman. It totally shines through! I am keeping you in my daily thoughts and praying for you! Keep that gorgeous smile and positivity and it will help you on your journey. It looks like you have a fabulous supportive community of friends and family! I am thinking of you & sending love and hugs your way!♥

  28. Jamie, you have my thoughts and prayers and anything else I can possibly do for you!

  29. What I love seeing is all of the many people you have obviously touched in your life since we were young. It's fun to see all the people who care about you! You are an inspiration to so many. Thank you, dear friend.

  30. God is bigger than cancer! Prayers that you prove those doctors wrong and are cured 100%. You are an inspiration!

  31. Lifting you and your family up in my prayers! You will beat this!

  32. Sending lots of love and hugs your way. Praying for you and your family darling!

  33. because of your faith and your belief in the good, you have already beat cancer. God bless! keep shining your light xo

  34. Hi and high hopes from a total stranger and fellow stage IV fighter. It's year two for me, and while you're right that nothing is ever the same - life is still wonderful! Take it day by day, don't wallow in the "what-ifs" and know that there are so many smart people working on finding us a cure! You clearly have the most important tools anyone can have in their cancer-fighting arsenal: a great attitude and the support of many people who love you. Stay strong! You're in my thoughts!

  35. Sending you hugs and smiles and love during this fight. And if I can get your address from Kara Noel - I'll send you cards, too!!

  36. Praying for you as you go through this battle. My mom had BC when she was 39 (she's a 20+ year survivor now). Praying for strength and supernatural energy!!

  37. Keep that positive energy a flowin. I just heard about a book called 'The silver Lining'. I'll be praying for you. xo Sarah

  38. Jaime,

    You are such a light! I have a hate-hate relationship with cancer. It's ironic since it has such intimate relationships with so many people I love. YOU are amazing! I am honored to even read your words. It is extremely generous of you to share this journey with others. You are in my prayers each day. I hope to see you at the next convention!


  39. Hi Jaime, we have never met, but I wanted you to know that my family is praying for you every minute, everyday. We believe in you and hope that this fight will have a positive outcome. You are loved and supported and prayed for.

    Our sincerest blessings,
    Lindsay Aamodt and Family

  40. I haven't blogged in months and popped back on this week. I was so sad to see all that you have been going through. I will be praying for you and your family during this extremly difficult time.


  41. Just want you to know, I've always admires your positive energy, joyful ness, and radiance. I adore your hugs- I always FEEL the love, everytime. J know that your innate brightness of character will help you carry this burden. And when it's not enough, I'll be here to help. Love you and praying for you and your sweet family (especially my J boy;) xOxO

  42. Just now seeing this and wanting you to know that you will be included in my prayers. Your attitude is amazing and I know the power of positivity is real! I truly hope you feel the strength of others and your trials ahead will be lessened :)
