
Friday, April 1, 2011

Foodie Friday - April Fools!

First of all, let me just say, WOO HOO!!!
Yesterday we passed the 100 followers mark and I'm just a little...
Thanks to all my loyal followers!!

I've been seeing some fun food out there!
I've never been much of an April Fooler, but with food?
That sounds like just my cup o' tea!
The Farm Girl shares how to make these hilarious,
super cute cupcakes!
Making Memories With Your Kids always has fun food ideas,
and April Fools is no exception!!
Come Together Kids borrowed a Valentine's idea from MMWYK and turned it into this super fun April Fools lunch surprise!
Hoosier Homemade has so many great ideas,
you could be making Fool Food all month long!!
Lastly, I have to share this new idea I learned last night at church!
Black bean brownies!!
I ate them, and then they told me what was in them and I am amazed!! They were moist and not beany tasting at all! There are tons of recipes out there, but this website is super fun!

Have fun with your food today!!
Don't forget to enter the Spring Banner Giveaway!! Last Day!!
If you were featured, please grab a button!!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my cupcakes! Hope you have a great April Fools Day :)

    The Farm Girl

  2. Craziness!

    I've heard of black bean brownies - Nathan has tasted them and didn't know until he was told afterwards. Of course at that point he was creeped out because he doesn't like beans. :P

  3. You're awesome right back! Thanks for featuring us! I really appreciate it!!!

  4. We eat bean brownies, because we're gf, and it can be a great flour substitute. Plus you can't beat the protein & fiber boost in the "treat." Thanks for sharing all these fun fool em foods.
