
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Guest Post - Time Well Spent

Hello Everyone,
My name is Suze from Time Well Spent, and I am originally from Haiti. In an interesting turn of events, I found myself living in the Mountain West of the United States. Being in a different environment took a little time for adapting, but I'm loving it here. I have two beautiful children(a 3 years old boy and an 18 months old sassy & bossy girl) who keep me busy most of the time and married to the most amazing man(November 2006). I love making bows, photography, sewing ( just started) and scrapbooking.
Actually, let me tell you when I started making bows. It all began when our family had a bit of a shock! Our second child was supposed to be another boy, but lo and behold, the doctor pulled out a girl! From that moment I have enjoyed the process of raising a little princess. In anticipation of when she would have a head of hair... (She is getting there)... I started to make hair bows and all things girly. 
So now, I am a total bows and tutus addict, but wouldn't have any other way! My daughter has about three hair bows holders full with hair accessories   ( in the process of making her a fourth one, need more room) and about 5...6...ok 12 tutus and I even have one too( it was for Halloween,[don't judge me]or was it...?!
Recently, I decided to open a Etsy shop and share my passion with everyone...In the hope that they will pay for themselves and I can always continue making them knowing that some little one is enjoying having them. Hope I haven't bored you guys to death, so here is some stuff you will find in the shop.
 Belts and Matching bows
 Flower Bows and much more.

After all that rambling, I want to share an easy tutorial on how to make a "personalized name plate" which you can always turn unto a hair bow holder.                   

Here is what I used.

The Primer
This is suppose to be purple but I craft at night, so you can barely tell the color.
While waiting for paint to dry, I cut the name and shape using my Cricut which has not got any use for some time now.
After it was all dry ( the next day) I put my letters where I wanted them and a few shapes,  making sure it will all look good and fit...I had to cut them again because the first set I did was much too big and those are 1".
Then I added the Mod Podge which took forever to dry.
And VOILA!!! You can also add ribbons on the back to turn it unto a hair bow holder.
Feel free to come visit Time Well Spent and check out my blog !

Thank you Jaime for letting me visit today...Have a fabulous day :)


  1. I think the lady bug hair clips are my favorite...and so perfect for summer. Very Cute!

  2. very cute idea! I will have to try this!
