
Saturday, October 22, 2011

SoCal Social!!

Wow!! I have been waiting to blog about this for a couple of crazy weeks now!
Does life ever get in the way of all your fun?!?

Anyway, so 2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to a blogger meet-and-greet and swaggariffic event in Orange, the SoCal Social!!

*Photo courtesy of 504 Main.

It was put on by the lovely ladies of Flamingo Toes, The V Spot, and 504 Main!!
That's also Mark Montano peeking out between them, our fabulous guest speaker!!

We started our day with a fab swag walk through Old Towne Orange!

*Photo courtesy of Flamingo Toes.

Look at all the goodies we collected during the day!

The sponsors were AWESOME!!

The stores were all so cute!! Lots of antiques and one of a kind treasures!

We had a delightful lunch at The Filling Station Cafe, unlimited lemonade refills, yes!!

And some tasty little morsels from Miss Priss Cupcakes!

I got to snuggle the 2-week-old little darling of my friend Kara-Noel from Eli's Lids. I was in HEAVEN!!

After all the yumminess, Mark Montano gave us a bio/Q&A of his crafty adventures!

He was so super nice and genuine, and I was THRILLED to hang out with him all afternoon!
He even brought us new copies of his new book, and signed them!!
We were SO LUCKY!
Make sure and check out his website! He has his own craft house!! Jealous.

*Photo courtesty of Flamingo Toes.

No party would be complete without a PHOTO BOOTH!!

Shutter Nonsense was so fun!!
That's ME, Kyla (Funky Polkadot Giraffe), Kara-Noel (Eli's Lids.)

Thanks to everyone for such an awesome afternoon!!
Can't wait for next year!!


  1. Mmm, what kind of cupcake is that?

    Love the pictures!

  2. That was a fun day, wasn't was because such awesome bloggers and people came to hang out! Thanks for bring a part of it!

  3. What a fun roundup post!! I loved all the photos and I'm so glad you had such a great time!! It was so fun to meet you! :)

  4. Wow Jaime, you are a celebrity! Love the pictures
