
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Toast of Tuesday: The What-I-Wish-I-Had-Made Edition!

So, confession time. I am really not a crazy busy kind of girl!
I like laid-back days, a project here and there, and plenty of down-time in my jammies.

And then there's many fun things to make and do!
But I made a couple of things and I was pretty much done!
However, I did have a lot of things I would have liked to do, and they were all linked up here!

I loved all the peppermint candy decorated cones, wreaths, and topiaries!
This cute wreath is from Loopy Loop Creations!

I love this idea of the Christmas Book Advent!
Every day a new Christmas book to unwrap and kids would have so much fun with that!
Funky Polkadot Giraffe gives us a fun list of books too!

I loved these ribbon trees, and am still hoping to make a Christmas shirt for my daughter!
This sweet onesie was made by Oxford Impressions!

My daughter can not keep her hands off the ornaments on our Christmas tree,
so this felt tree with ornaments to move around would have been perfect for our house!
This sweet tree is from Sew Rugged!

Thanks for sharing your creations!
Here's hoping I will get inspired to do a few more things!
Grab a button if you were featured!


  1. I had a huge list of projects I wanted to tackle for Christmas and only go to about half of them (if that!). I figure that leaves me lots to still do for next year though.

  2. Jaime, thank you for the shout out!!!!! I was floored when I opened your blog and saw my wreath! And my first button too!!!
