
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Handmade Valentine Party!

I was a homeschool kid.
There were some great things about it.
School in pajamas, done by noon, college at 15.
But I always felt like I missed out on Valentine's Day.
All those kids coming home with 30 little drugstore Valentines stuffed in their backpacks.

Fast forward 30 years and I am doing a little therapy with a handmade Valentine party!!

First, invite some crafty friends!


Add a little Valentine decor!

Put up your favorite Valentine printable! ;)

And make Valentines for all your guests!
Ala Caramel Apples!

Fill your plate with all the yummy Valentine goodies your guests bring!
And party down with all your LOVEly friends!

I'm always amazed at the lovely Valentine gifts my crafty friends bring for everyone!
I received some lovely buntings!

I don't know if I should eat this yummy scrub or use it on my feet!

Aren't these little earrings adorable??

I hope everyone had a LOVEly time!!

Happy Handmade Valentine's Day!


  1. How fun!!! It looks like it was such a fun party Jaime!!

  2. Awww! I would have sent you a valentine had I known!

  3. What a clever party! You look like my kind of friend! I just joined your site. I can't wait to see more of your crafty goodness! :)

  4. Love the valentine bunting... !!
