
Friday, July 27, 2012

DownEast Basics!!

This week has been a whirlwind of fun!!
Tuesday night I got to take a friend and go to a blogger event at DownEast Basics!

I love their store because it is full of fun, classy, easy to wear and pair items for women and girls!

A few of my favorites...

Besides their awesome clothing and swimwear, they also have CUTE items to decorate your home and fun accessories!

I was given a gift card and couldn't resist coming home with a little something for my favorite girl.


You can find DownEast Basics in malls across the Western States, or online wherever you are!

Take a peek today and have fun shopping!


  1. Your daughter looks so cute! Thanks for joining our blog mixer event! xo, Kathy Cabrera,

  2. I was there too! I was a bit preoccupied with the baby to really mingle or shop though. I still need to go back and use my gift card!

  3. Her dress is adorable! I love the outfit that I got that night.
