
Friday, August 24, 2012

Foodie Friday: The Not-So-Green Smoothie!

So who has tried a green smoothie??
I was dubious.
Although I love spinach, the first few attempts I made were not so tasty.
But I have found a combo that's a winner!!

1 cup milk
1/2 cup orange juice concentrate
1 very ripe banana
1 cup of frozen mixed berries
1 very large and generous handful of baby spinach leaves

Blend, mix, and puree it all up into a delicious refreshing oh so healthy treat!

Bonus, it's not even green so your kids won't know it's half vegetable. :)



  1. Try spinach, kiwi, fzn bananas, fzn mango with a splash of juice...yummmy

  2. Try spinach, kiwi, fzn bananas, fzn mango with a splash of juice...yummmy

  3. Looks great! Glad to hear that are actually good!

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  4. I have to try this one,I already make a green smoothie and of course it ends up being green I think this way my picky eater will drink it.
