Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Beaded Rainbow

As you know, I am knee deep in One Crafty Contest!

Last week's challenge was to create something with beads.

I wanted to make something to go in my daughter's room, and we love rainbows!

Ta-da! The beaded rainbow was born!
I love it when the ideas in my head actually work!

I printed out rainbow clipart and sized it to fit my frame.

I traced the outline of the rainbow onto the fabric and hand-stitched the beads on, 3 beads at a time.
It took hours. I'm not going to lie. I watched a lot of TV.
But I had tried before to glue them on and it looked terrible, so hand-stitched they had to be!

When it was done, I glued the edges of the fabric onto the glass from the frame.

I decided the frame needed a color pop!
I love this spray paint.

My daughter loves it!
And so do I.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the first round!
Please come back on Monday and vote again!


Cherish said...

It looks great! You're the most patient woman ever.

laxsupermom said...

So pretty! I'm sure your daughter loves displaying it in her room. Thanks for sharing.

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Yay Jaime!! I knew this was you!! :) I can't believe that you sewed all those beads on! You are a rockstar!! :)

Anonymous said...

too cute!

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

This is a great project! Would you consider linking up to my Pinworthy Projects Party? I hope to see you there!

Dacia said...

That's so darling!

Stephanie said...

So colorful and pretty! I love it. I'm totally nervous about the pictures going up tomorrow...but good luck, I'm sure your project is great!

cre8ivesky said...

This turned out amazing, Jaime! This is something she'll surely treasure forever and look back on one day so impressed with the time you spent- great job!!

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous! I am sure that you spent hours handsewing on all of those beads.. WOW!
Amie @ Pinkapotamus

Meaningful Mama said...

Wow! This is a really creative idea. I love it. Jodi @

Unknown said...

This is so cute! I love the frame and polka-dots to top it all off!
I'd love for to link up to my new link party:


Lindy said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!! My daughter and I both love this!!! She had rainbows in her room and now she wants one of these. I'll have to try.

KendasCrafts said...

cute! good idea!

Unknown said...

Really cute. This was one of the ones I voted for. :)

Kyla Armstrong said...

It's so darling!!!

Wendy said...

This is gorgeous! what a fantastic project.

Partycraft Secrets said...

that's some serious crafting stamina!! - I found you via linky - I've joined your site, and off to have a good look around the blog - yay - would love you to come visit me (& join if you can - it'll help make my husband shush about all the time I spend crafting/blogging!):

The Pretty Pinhead said...

I love this! My son's b-day party was 2 weeks ago and it was rainbow themed. This would have been PERFECT for decor! Going to try this!

Thanks for sharing. Glad I stumbled across your blog. Would love the follow back :)

The Pretty Pinhead

Pocketful Of Dreams said...

That is a creative use of beads! I must say I have neglected beads in my craftdom here. I just tend to write those aisles off as jewelry making equipment... Maybe I should rethink that. :)

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Hey girlie!! I was so impressed by your wicked beading skills that I just had to feature you today!! :)

Athena said...

This is so cute and I have no doubt your daughter loved it. I would never have that much patience! Good for you. I am stopping in from TheStuffofSuccess. Enjoy your week. Athena

cherished bliss said...

Featuring you tomorrow : )

Unknown said...

This looks awesome - totally worth the time to sew the beads rather than glue them on! (I've tried gluing... ugh! This looks a bajillion times better!) : )

-Mel the Crafty Scientist

lisbonlioness said...

No. Way. In. Hell. You sewed them all onto the fabric? By hand? Move away, batgirl, I found me a new superheroine to admire. You created an heirloom there, girl!

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

Thanks so much for linking up this is fantastic. I just wanted to let you know that I'm featuring this today I can't wait to see what you have to share this week.



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