Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Mama Monday! - Spring Wreath

I bought the supplies to make this wreath WEEKS AGO!!
I finally captured a crafty moment and got it done. Hooray!
I decided to try a grapevine wreath this time, and break out of the round and get an OVAL! I also got some assorted sizes of flowers, little accent eggs, and polkadotted ribbon of course!
 I cut the flowers off leaving a little stem to poke into the wreath.
 Aren't these little eggs so fun!! I had to have them!
Polkadots AND Glitter!
I nestled them in between the flowers.
 The ribbon had a little wire to it, which helped the bow to keep the shape I wanted. 
And there she is! A little Easter, but mostly Spring!
My husband and my sister both commented that the oval shape reminded them of an Easter egg. I just smiled and said, well of course, that's what I intended all along! HA!


Cherish said...

It's very spring-like! When I become a SAHM, one of my goals is to have either wreaths or flags that we change out regularly.

LBB said...

Turned out very CUTE!! :)

Crafts a la Mode said...

Beautiful job!

Suze said...

Way cute!!! Love it :)

La-Dee-da crafter said...

so so cute!!! Just love it. Caught my eye immediately.

La-Dee-da crafter said...

and I am following you and your cute blog now. and on FB because I love seeing crafts on my FB page, makes me so happy!!!

Nicole said...

Love this!!! I like that is an oval shape ... something different that you don't see too often :)

Anonymous said...

Fresh and lovely! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I am LOVING all wreaths right now and this one is so Springy and spectacular!

Great job!



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